Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekend Wanderings

It has been a chilly week, with temperatures falling below freezing in all fifty states. The poor folks in the Buffalo area were clobbered by the snow. We may be in for an interesting winter. This is the week for Americans to stop and give thanks for our blessings. It is also the beginning of the consumer orgy known as the Christmas shopping season.

Here are the links:

Good post from Miguel Ruiz.
John Frye on unanswered prayer.
Lessons from Jonah.
Challenging post from Keith Giles.
Good words from Kansas Bob.

How's your life?
Steve Brown on holding the land.
Iron sharpens iron. Or not.
Big move.

I agree with this post from Arthur Sido.
Climbing the ladder?
The real living Bible.
Jeff Cook asks a question.
Wise words.

Ordinary is okay.
Wayward Son on entitlement.
Pretty cool.

Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

kc bob said...

Thanks for the link Fred! I posted part two today.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

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