Friday, October 15, 2010


It has been a good week here in the sunny South. It actually rained yesterday, for about five minutes. Jennie has come in from the left coast for a few days. It's good to see her, and we'll have a good weekend together.

Here are the links for this week:

John Armstrong has a good series on postmodernism and the Christian. Part 1 is here.
Ronnie McBrayer has some good thoughts about the future.
Jeff McQuilken on passion.Michael D. Bobo writes about humor.
Todd Hiestand gives a benediction.

Bill has another funny.
Dan Allen on worship.
Alan Knox asks who is qualified.
Jonathan Brink is wrestling with beauty.

TSK asks for transparency in clean water fund raising.
Dr. Terry Dorsett on challenges of bivocational ministry.
Mark Scandrette writes a fable.

Donald Miller on projecting an identity.
Chaplain Mike writes about the life God is in.
Jake Belder on wine at the Lord's table.
Scot McKnight has a series titled "Creation Untamed." Part 1 is here.
Allan Bevere has a series on the faith of America's founders. Part 1 (HT: Scot McKnight).

Have a great fall weekend.

1 comment:

kc bob said...

"left coast" - hadn't heard that before.. accurate in many ways. :)

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