I know it's only January 25, but I'm already feeling a touch of the malady known as spring fever. Basketball season is winding down, and even though I am enjoying coaching more than I have in a few years, the long days and the traveling are beginning to wear a bit thin. I'm also getting tired of winter. I know, we really don't have winter here in the sunny South, but I'm tired of it nonetheless.
Around this time of year, I begin looking around to see if maybe God wants me to do something else to earn a living. It's not that I'm totally unhappy where I am, although the job is more stressful than I would prefer. It's just that I try to keep my eyes open for opportunities that may be out there. Of course, there's not a whole lot out there this year. Not too many jobs are coming open, so I'm definitely grateful I do have a job.
There are some changes on the horizon. Some we know about, some will make themselves known later. Jennie has been promoted at the company where she works, and it sounds like a great move for her. Josh will graduate in May, and will then have to go out and find a job. Hopefully the economy will improve to the point that architectural firms will be hiring. Jan and I will celebrate our thirtieth anniversary this summer, and we hope to do something special.
St. Thomas Community Church is looking at a future that has uncertainties ahead and decisions to be made. We are very close to outgrowing the space where we meet, and we're not sure what the next step will be. There are many advantages to meeting in a bagel shop. We pay no rent, so any money that is given can go to help those in need. The setting is intimate so there can be good discussion during the teaching time. Right now, we're small enough that we can begin to know each other more than just on a Sunday morning. We're in the middle of the marketplace instead of being sequestered behind closed doors in "our place." We've had a couple of the shop employees express an interest in checking us out.
We've never had anyone show up and then leave because we were too crowded, that we know of. The possibility exists that we will have to move, but for now we're going to stay put until we have a clear indication from God where we're supposed to go. Yesterday we talked about Abram in Genesis 12, and how God told him to go. Abram went, and there is no record that God told him specifically where to go, but that God simply led him. We feel like we're kind of in that situation as a community. God has called us to be where we are, and to bless those around us. He is leading us step by step, and calling us to simply walk with him and be ready to do what he wants us to do. There is no five year plan (heck, we don't even have a five week plan). There is no building program, and no plans to build a huge "ministry." There's just a day by day, week by week dependence on the Spirit, trying to listen to the still small voice of our Father.
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Moving On
It's been a while since I've written here. Life has been happening the past few months. I have decided to start fresh, so I'm mo...
Finally, the weekly links post is back where it belongs. There has been a whole lot of stuff going on in the last few weeks. But enough ab...
I'm sorry there was no Weekend Wanderings post this weekend. Jan and I were volunteering at a music festival put on by a local camp and ...
It's been a while since I've written here. Life has been happening the past few months. I have decided to start fresh, so I'm mo...
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