Sunday, May 29, 2016

Weekend Wanderings

Finally, the weekly links post is back where it belongs. There has been a whole lot of stuff going on in the last few weeks.

But enough about me. On to the good stuff:

Good post from Bruce Hillman.
Good post from Martin Luther. Really.
Funny post from Babylon Bee.
Funny post from the Toast.

No kicker.
This could be a good thing.
Cooking questions.
Garrison Keillor and Christian branding.
This is interesting.

Good post from Michelle Van Loon.
Mike Erich on encouraging one another.
Bob Edwards on dignity.
Church of the Organ Grinder's Monkey.

Good question from Keith Giles.
Power or cross?
7 worst snacks.
Road trip!
Scot McKnight on church architecture.

Have a blessed week!


kc bob said...

Thanks for the link Fred.

Hope you had a great holiday weekend.

Fred Shope said...

You're welcome Bob. My weekend was very good. I hope yours was as well.

Moving On

It's been a while since I've written here. Life has been happening the past few months. I have decided to start fresh, so I'm mo...